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onceugoblue23 karma

Ahem, I believe you are referring to the Kaiju come on guys get your facts straight. On a serious note, to what effect will the JWST have on your research?

onceugoblue1 karma

In relation to funding what would it take for projects to be funded through crowdfunding using sites such as Kickstarter? I recently did a paper for an English class regarding additional funding for NASA.

I proposed that perhaps a consensus should be formed to establish which projects are needed to reach an agreed upon goal. This is very similar to Aldrin's Unified Space Vision whereupon he provides an overall goal and a framework of projects needed to reach said goal. These projects could then be put on Kickstarter and interested individuals could invest into the project. Any shortfalls in funding could be acquired through traditional means. My guess though is NASA could do a lot more with the publics help.

onceugoblue1 karma

Ahh, thank you for the reply and redirect