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onedavester6 karma

how much does it pay and are there any benefits?

onedavester3 karma

whats the youngest patient you have?

onedavester2 karma

You should look into HBOT before Ketamine. HBOT will make your body heal itself and the treatment lasts. Ketamine works very temporarily. Even people that get Ketamine induced coma treatment often get it right back if they ever fall or get any kind of contusion. My ex wife went to the place in that link and is still in remission after 5 years. This is after spinal stims, ganglionic nerve blocks, and every other conventional treatment there is. It cost me $5000 for one month of treatment with Dr. Spiegel and it was worth every penny. they ar every nice people and it is a nice comfortable facility. HBOT is completly non invasive. My ex had to get wax cleaned out of her ears before they could get to the pressure needed for CRPS treatment. Other than that first day with the impacted ear wax, the treatment was a breeze. She went there in a wheelchair and came back walking 32 days later. She was walking and going to tourist attractions after the first two weeks of treatment.

onedavester2 karma

I wish I could be right there with you. The chest pain is the worst.

onedavester2 karma

Certs that expire in 1 year are turning the whole Cert process into a fast food like industry.