Highest Rated Comments

onepurch9 karma

How did the USSR view China? (ally against West or military threat based on population and location)

onepurch3 karma

What type of background would someone need to enter into the business at a higher level? (feels like there can be some very good money in this but all of the dealers I come across seem to range from alcoholic / gambling addict to way too crazy so I can't imagine that's where the top people come from)

onepurch3 karma

Considering the amount of projects / funds Boehner can bring to your district based on his ranking in the party, how do you think you can better support the people as a Freshman congressman?

onepurch1 karma

How has this project affected your own eating habits? Also, would you want your own son to play football?

onepurch1 karma

If you could make one change to the level system what would it be?