Highest Rated Comments

oscar99092 karma

Not a question, but i just wanted to say congratulations on beating it, i hope you live a happy normal life :)

? The question mark is just there so it doesn't get auto removed.

oscar99092 karma

What do you guys think of Converge and have they influenced you?

oscar99091 karma

I'll check it out right now, as you know first hand what chemo is like, would there be a time in your life where you would choose not to take chemo? As it'd be too demanding like if you were older. Hypothetical question obviously.

oscar99091 karma

Its no problem, I've had family members who have had chemo, really glad you lived. I'm 17 too. On a side note could i ask what music you listen to? I'm just curious of all that happened and what's your thought with all of it. You don't have to answer if you don't want.

oscar99091 karma

I can understand how that would happen to you. Its no problem, i should be thanking you! Well you made it through man, that's what matters you bet it. Where did the part about my mum come from sorry?