Highest Rated Comments

osheasf98 karma

Any idea what sort of thing they would chant?

osheasf56 karma

My boyfriend is a chef and would love to do this. How would you suggest getting a foot in the door?

osheasf19 karma


osheasf11 karma

That's awesome, he is my friend's dad!

osheasf3 karma

Hi! I used to smoke quite a bit, but after several years I started getting some negative side-effects (anxiety, extreme exhaustion, paranoia). My boyfriend smokes a lot and I'd like to join him but I want to find a strain that I won't react negatively to. Ideally, I'd like something that won't give me anxiety/paranoia and that I can smoke and then fall asleep, but also something that I can smoke during the day and not be exhausted or too stoned to function. Any recommendations would be so appreciated! Oh and one more thing! What do you think about vape pens and people saying they have cancer-causing chemicals in them? Is there a different method of smoking that you'd recommend for someone who currently hacks up a lung every time they smoke but who doesn't like the taste that vaporizers give off? Thanks again :)