Highest Rated Comments

oversizedchromespoon31 karma

How long does dialysis take? Are you stuck in the one place during this time? Is there a notable difference in how you feel before the dialysis to after you've finished? And are you just shit-your-pants excited right now? Congrats, guy!

oversizedchromespoon25 karma

Howdy Dr Karl, I've wondered this for a while now, for no particular reason. Would somebody who had just died either burn, tan or none of the above if left out in the sun?

oversizedchromespoon3 karma

DBT and mindfulness all the way. Try getting her to meditate with you, if it's something you do together she'll hopefully respond well. Just a thought.

oversizedchromespoon2 karma

Just jumping in here to say that from what I've read thc works well with opiates as it increases the effect so you need lower doses of your pain meds. No citation, it's just something I've read here and there which stuck in my mind.