Highest Rated Comments

ox_84 karma

My personal dietary belief is that I can't eat any foods that contain ingredients grown by farmers named Dave.

Please can all such foods be labelled in the future?

ox_9 karma

I met someone who climbed Everest and I thought to myself, "Maybe if this was 1968, I'd be impressed."

Wow, you're really tough to impress! It takes months to do and still involves loads of physical exhaustion, altitude sickness and living in rough conditions. It's easier to do now than in 1968 but then so are most things.

if you want a climbing challenge, why not climb K2 instead?

Can you really not see why someone would choose the tallest mountain in the world rather than the 2nd tallest?

ox_9 karma

If you don't win today, I'll kill ya! Hahahahahaha! Grrrr.

ox_5 karma

Whenever you tell people that you work on Excel do they always complain about shit like that little bug that makes Calculation switch from Automatic to Manual for no reason? And why formatting graphs is a lot more hassle now that you have to go to the ribbon to add labels and titles?

When I saw this AMA, all I could think about was little things like that that wind me up. It really is a great piece of software though.

ox_5 karma

It's a pretty shit answer but she is standing in a local council election. There's not many questions about local politics here.