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p_iynx197 karma

That’s so weird. I use it all the time and have never had an issue getting a refund. It seems like it is so hit and miss for people, so clearly there’s a problem if many people are having these experiences.

p_iynx85 karma

I hold my breath. It was a tip from my narcoleptic friend. It causes your brain to snap awake because of oxygen deprivation or something? Idk. But your body is very well-equipped to deal with self-suffocation so I think you either wake fully up or pass out. It always works for me!

p_iynx61 karma

The problem is that when you're in terrible pain on a daily basis, the scale is different. Your tolerance for small things goes wayyyy down a lot of the time because your body is in pain every minute of the day. I'll be shaking and sweating and crying once a week, but I've had periods (not rare, for me) where it is screaming pain where I'm in bed seizing and crying and asking someone to kill me please.

But that doesn't make the daily pain any less of a 10, if that makes sense? It's like, relative to what you are able to handle that day, and tolerance for pain is way lower when you're experiencing "small pain" every second.

Note: I have fibromyalgia, so this is constant overwhelming sensitivity to all stimuli. Noise, smells, bright lights, vibrant colors, diet, chemical exposure of any kind...it all just adds to the inability to mentally "shield" from pain. I feel raw inside. On bad days, it's like someone took sandpaper to my brain and my nerves and my emotions. :/

p_iynx57 karma

Such a true statement! I was diagnosed with a very painful disability that will never go away and can't really be treated. I know it's not serious like cancer, but no one quite understands how terrible it is to be in pain everywhere, every day, plus all the other shit that goes along with it. But it's definitely made me mature very quickly, and I'm a lot more empathetic towards others. I forgive other people's weaknesses and faults because I've realized that you never know what someone else is going through.

What helped you most through the hard times? My illness is hard; the suicide rate is extremely high. The awareness site said, "if everyone in the world had it, a third of the population would be dead in a year" or something along those lines.* But no one takes it seriously. I'm at a very dark place right now. I'm seeing therapists and all that, but I've been in so much pain for so long. I guess you just have such an awesome outlook, I'd love to know what kept you fighting when things felt impossibly hard.

*-the site said "half", but it looks like it was actually bullshit. The accurate facts are that suicide is 10x higher with people with my illness.

p_iynx57 karma

Hi! I'm a 21 year old fit female with fibromyalgia who recovered from anorexia. I have some health questions because I'm trying to get to my peak fitness without reverting to bad habits or being in pain all the time.

What is your opinion on "green smoothies"? I make them in the morning with non-soy protein powder (I like to switch it up a lot), hemp milk/almond milk, and flax seeds, as well as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries.

For someone with a disease like with fibromyalgia, what kind of activity do you recommend?

Finally, do you put any stock into BMI? How should I measure fitness? Obviously weight can be really arbitrary, and doesn't tell you how good of shape you are in. And for small females, BodPods aren't accurate at all. When I went in one, it gave me a number that was wildly off. It's kind of frustrating.