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pacnb113 karma

Super fuckin' mega-ass question:

Firstly, Arin, what is your favorite Mega Man music track? It better be the Galaxy Man theme.

Secondly, Arin, why don't you drink alcohol? (If this is too personal of a question, don't answer).

Nextly, will you guys do something for all of the fans? I don't want to sound too entitled or whatever, but I would love it if you mo'fuckas pressed every button on the controller like 30 minutes before recording to learn the control of every game you play. Everyone around here always bitches about how you guys ignore tutorials/don't press all the buttons on the fucking controller. I, personally, don't give a shit, because I expect some nonsense from you guys, but I know for sure I'm sick of fans complaining about this and how it correlates with Arin's Sequel-titties.

Also, Arin, do you have any plans for a dramatic animation or series, instead of the usual comedic stuff? How about any plans for your "three girls” characters?

And one for Barry: do you ever get recognized on the street/in daily life?

Lastly, will you guys watch my Game Grumps Animated? <3 I know Danny saw it, but I would love the rest of the Grumps crew to see it too!