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pacotaco724489 karma

Can you give History channel a message for me? Can you tell History channel to quit being stupid and put some education on its channel? remember modern marvels?

pacotaco724121 karma

Reddits version of a mic check.

pacotaco72429 karma

Do you think that americans who defend one amendment are obligated to defend others if threatened? even if they dont agree or care about them as much? Are we obligated to defend the constitution as a whole or just the parts we want?

pacotaco72429 karma

thanks for the reply. I work with people who will go crazy when the government wants to take their guns away. but when the NSA decided the 4th amendment is just some words on paper their thoughts were "ive got nothing to hide so I dont care." I think thats one of the biggest problems with this country, everyone thinks their "side" is better and thats all they care about defending.