Highest Rated Comments

patalbwil52 karma


patalbwil49 karma


patalbwil6 karma

1/4, autosomal recessive. my wife doesn't want to abort, so we'll be doing IVF with PGD for all future pregnancies (PGD - preimplantation genetic diagnosis). You pop out one of the cells of the blastocyst (~32 cell embryo) and ship it off somewhere, they run DNA tests and tell you if that blastocyst has the disease or not.

patalbwil6 karma

little bit of both, i can tell that things will be easier when she's gone, how can they not be? a great quote that i heard recently, on "The Killing" of all places, is "Bad lucks happens to you and it either destroys you or it makes you the man that you are"

patalbwil5 karma
