Highest Rated Comments

patzzo82 karma

howd you get caught?

patzzo21 karma

You're still in school right?? Are they paying you to research while at school?

edit; you're ... thanks.....

patzzo19 karma

wow congrats on your breakout! do you find it harder to cope with getting jobs and shit like that? Also what is your family's output? Or are the just happy to see you :) ?

patzzo8 karma

Aha thats...ironic? :P sorry, but what are warrants? And congrats on coming out, im happy you didnt have to spend 50 years in prison... speaking of which, why did you get out so early?

patzzo6 karma

wow thats crazy! Just out of blunt curiosity but are there any side affects to this?? Canyou change some of her physical traits/choose out traits you wish for her/him to have?