Highest Rated Comments

paulatina8152 karma

Have you ever used it for like, maybe go "hey kids, you want to see what will happen if you don't eat your vegetables?" or something like that?

paulatina89 karma

Hey, I just want to thank you for this article: http://www.cracked.com/blog/6-harsh-truths-that-will-make-you-better-person/ . It really helped me so much. That one and also all the ones John Cheese wrote about alcoholism, THANK YOU!! Anyway, my question is: who's the hottest person at Cracked?

paulatina87 karma

this is great.

paulatina82 karma

is there anything sacred for your comics? also, why zombies? everyone is scared of llamas!!! good luck on ur new comic!!

paulatina81 karma

What would u like to change about the Miss Universe pageant? It's the same thing every year, would you like to innovate?