Highest Rated Comments

pearone13 karma

Favourite washroom at UBC?

pearone10 karma

Family culture is greatly different in the western world. In asia it is common for parents and grown children to live in the same household, and support each other. Only recently we've been seeing a trend towards children moving out, but yet there is a strong sense of family. So many asians see leaving their children with their grandparents to be socially acceptable. In fact, it is a commonplace occurrence, especially in an economy that requires both parents to work.

No culture is bad, just different, and requires a different world view to understand why it exists.

pearone6 karma

People who rather leave their kids with relatives, rather than in expen$ive daycare.

pearone1 karma

One question, #areyouubc?

pearone1 karma

How did you get involved with MIT?