Highest Rated Comments

pemble417 karma

  1. How much is your personal sex life affected by your job? Do you have to abstain if you are shooting the next day?
  2. Do you masturbate anymore?

pemble21 karma

Thanks so much for doing this!!

  1. How do you map out Karl's story? Do you plan out storylines and have a direction for the character or do you pretty much just wing it?

  2. Do you have an end in mind for Karl?

  3. Lots of us are dying to know, where did you picture Karl working before he was fired?

pemble12 karma

How do you feel about the current state of country music? It seems to be more poppy or more rock orientated then the stuff I grew up on. Do you like how its heading or would you like to see a resurgence on the more classic sound?

pemble3 karma

my perceptions of music producers is they are all guys in the 50's with graying ponytails, a coke habit and drive around in sports cars. how accurate is that?

pemble2 karma

What is the best part about being famous?