Highest Rated Comments

peruytu17 karma

I've always thought $25 fast food meals is simply not worth it. These services have brought out the worst in Americans. My question to you is, is there a particular characteristic that you found in most of these customers? Of course, without offending any particular group.

peruytu2 karma

How much of an impact has social media and usage of mobile devices had on regular in person human interaction?

peruytu2 karma

How much is a medallion worth these days?

peruytu1 karma

Sorry but this is more Madrid propaganda. You have to show more proof that you're an actual Catalonian.

peruytu1 karma

I'm afraid Putin is capable of going full Tianamen Square on his own people before he's forced out. I honestly don't see a way out unless he's assassinated. And even if he's murdered, I'm sure he has at least three people in line to succeed him. He will stop at nothing to continue his agenda way even after his death. The only solution is most likely a military coup and then for the military hand power back to the congress for fair elections. And this leads me to my question: As far as you know, how likely is the military to go against Putin?