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petersbeagle20 karma

Okay - first question. There will be a book - I hope this year - called GREEN-EYED BOY, which will deal with everything I know about Schmendrick's life before the events detailed in THE LAST UNICORN. As for my old fictional alter-ego Joe Farrell, there are bound to be more stories featuring him and Julie Tanikawa. For me, that's like visiting with old friends.

Second question - there are only a very few live recordings and/or You Tube clips of me performing my own songs. But other people are gradually setting the lyrics found in "The 52-50 Project" to music, so etentually a release is bound to happen. I believe firmly, with Hilaire Belloc, that "it is the best trade in the world to make songs, and the second-best to sing them."

As for the third question, I almost never know when a story's actually done as well as I can possibly do it. Connor Cochran usually has to tell me, or to nag me into trying one more draft. You never get it perfectly right, anyway: it may be a cliche to say that "stories are never finished, only abandoned," but for me that's been true enough.

petersbeagle18 karma

The live-action Last Unicorn is a long way from being a done deal, though I firmly believe that it will happen. What's happening in Canada is a movie theater tour in which we show a beautiful digital print of the 1982 animated film. That has been touring the States as well, and will continue to do so (see www,lastunicorntour.com for details). As for a live action version, I can't give you dates, names, locations, or anything along that line. We've had many inquiries as to its eventual availability, but until the live action rights return next year, there's really nothing more I can say about the prospect at the moment.

petersbeagle18 karma

No, not at all - unless you count the time at Stanford, more than fifty years ago, when Ken Kesey gave my Kentucky buddy Gurney Norman and me capsules of psilocybin and sent us off to have INSIGHTS. I cant speak for Gurney, but my only drug=fueled INSIGHT was that you had to be very careful how you picked your nose - because you might unravel yourself. In the morning, I figured that I could probably have come up with that one unaided by psychedelia.

petersbeagle17 karma

THE LAST UNICORN has never been published in ebook form before now. I learned about Humble Bundle and thought that the best place to premiere it would be with them, because of the number of people it would reach, and because it would benefit charities I support.

petersbeagle17 karma

I had no part in that choice - and at the time, I would have been utterly infuriated! My daughters had been playing that incredibly stupif "A Horse With No NAme" around the house all one summer, until hell wouldn't have it, and I could be roused to murderous fury by a single quote from that lyric. As it happened, America did a perfectly beautiful job on those Jimmy Webb songs, and I'd love to meet them and congratulate them on that soundtrack.