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peteyH23 karma

Unless he's pulling the ultimate telephonic troll move, in which case he should take someone else's number down.

peteyH10 karma

Just because he did some messed up shit doesn't mean he should be found guilty of unrelated actions under the guise of some bullshit "crime."

peteyH2 karma

What are your thoughts - and do you address - the plight of the Copts in Egypt? Moreover, do you have any thoughts on whether/how a coalition of minorities - say Copts, Nubians, Jews (all 3 of them) etc. - may form a cohesive minority or opposition party in Egypt?

This is an area in which I have some expertise and I'd love to hear what you think.

peteyH2 karma

Huge fan Sean, thanks for stopping by. I saw the LEGENDS trailer ahead of Guardians of the Galaxy, it looks promising!

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