Highest Rated Comments

pewpewpewwww89 karma

Vietnamese-American here. Pretty much everyone still refers to HCMC as Saigon colloquially or conversationally, but every once in a while you'll meet someone who insists that you call it HCMC. It's usually someone involved with the current government or has something against Americans.

Source: Worked at an American law firm in Saigon; took a trip to Hanoi and was constantly corrected by ministerial assistants/government workers who kept saying, "Don't you mean HCMC?" No one else seemed to really care.

pewpewpewwww12 karma

YAYYYYYYYYYY a Viet athlete out of the Bay Area! I'm squealing. Thanks for bucking the stereotype that Asians (more specifically, Viets) are inathletic.

Favorite Viet food joint in SJ?

pewpewpewwww1 karma

Do you guys have a tribal court? How effective is it or what are your experiences with the tribal court?

pewpewpewwww1 karma

So has anything changed for you? Honestly if I were in the same situation I'd just sit around and eat pizzas and ice cream all day. What's your usual day like?