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phil824848 karma

I worked for 9 years in a federal prison and I have to say that this sounds like completely made up bullshit. None of these answers sound remotely like a medical professional, or anyone else for that matter, working in a correctional institution. Frankly, it sounds like someone watched "The Green Mile", "Shawshank Redemption" and other fake media portrayals of prison and then tried to bluff their way through an AMA.

phil824828 karma

People who think surgical weight loss is "cheating" are ignorant. The procedure and recovery are huge and then there is the complete change of diet. You have to make as many changes as you would without the "help". Ignore those assholes. Good for you. Congratulations.

phil824812 karma

I did not realize that the screen name gave it away so easily. It is just that prison is nothing like how the media portrays it. In other threads when I have answered questions about it even the former inmates on the thread would agree. Like rape in prison. It is probably the most common theme in prison movies but it almost never happens. In 9 years we had one legitimate allegation of rape. Prison is a community and all human communities run on money. There are way too many guys who enjoy anal sex and will give it away or sell it for anyone to risk being sent to solitary, being beaten by other inmates or being charged with sexual assault while in prison and having many years added to their sentence. These guys are either locked in cells or they live in dormitories. No prison has group showers anymore. They are all individual shower stalls. I could go on but you get the point. Real prison bears no resemblance to movie prison. Why? Because real prison is 99.9% mind numbingly boring punctuated by .1% of extreme violence. These guys do go off on one another but only rarely and almost always in matters of business. Stabbings lead to lock downs which means no one makes any money. As they said in the Godfather, blood is expensive.

phil82483 karma

My daughter has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering and is a research scientist on faculty at a major Northwestern University. Women like you were her role models and mentors. She LOVES what she does but is not one to break ranks or blaze trails. I am so grateful for others who created an academic climate where she could pursue her dream. From a very grateful Dad, Thanks!!

phil82482 karma

I've never thought of that but I would not be against it.