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phoenix7627 karma

A person planning to be a priest…does not have to be a virgin, do they? I am just curious.

phoenix7626 karma

Wow, ASL! That's awesome. I take it someone in the home is deaf? Or no? (Or does ASL refer to something different in this context?)

I was in foster care, one foster placement quite the mess, (we were used as labor, and rarely given anything beyond bare bones necessities, long story) one foster placement that was wonderful (too bad it was an emergency placement) and two institutional placements, one which was wonderful (a group home run by the Presbyterian church) and a emergency shelter that was ok.

I think it is wonderful to open your home to help us kids who have no home. Thank you for all that you do!!

phoenix7625 karma

Oh, ok…thanks so much for your reply. I wish you well.

I went to Catholic mass for years…only was baptized Catholic, no other sacraments. I was terrified god was gonna strike me dead if I received communion😂 (the foster parents were RC)

phoenix7622 karma

Wow. I hear you. I was horribly bitter when I was about your age, and actually wished I could sue the state of PA for all the shit that went down in one foster home...they closed the home after removing me, AFAIK, but nothing else was done...and how do you PROVE 3/4th of the crap that was done? You can't.

Mind, what you went through....from the little you wrote, sounds horrid. I am so sorry. My foster parents weren't that bad by far....they did some shitty stuff to us, but....wow.

You have to learn how to let it go and move on...it's easier said than done, I know, trust. I think I was well into my 30's when I was able to move on, and that was with a lot of professional help.

phoenix7621 karma

-just wanted to say...first, I am so sorry about the treatment you received, that's terrible...

I work part time @ a VA hospital and so far I haven't seen anything too distressing...then again, I am only there one shift every 2 weeks, and I only have worked in the intensive care units....never have been in the psych unit.

We have all computer charting, and I was told in orientation that all VA medical centers have this info across the board....good thing about that is, no matter what VA you have been in across the country, the info will be available to the docs.

I am a vet as well, and I use the VA system, because my private insurance sucks ass...the VA will bill my insurance carrier what they can, and I will pay the VA the co payment.

I do notice that I (apparently) must be more diligent than the FT employees, because the nurses are always surprised when I stay in my assigned area and take care of anything they need as soon as I can....which makes me wonder about the care the FT respiratory therapists give.

At my full time job, this is a given....if we are not on top of things, and not able to take care of our patients in a timely manner, that is grounds for dismissal...my FT employer (for profit cancer hospital chain) doesn't play.

I do have to say my VA respiratory therapy director is trying like hell to make our department better, little by little trying to get the FT therapists accountable for doing more and more...and it's like pulling teeth, he says it takes a long while to get any thing done (apparently because of the federal union, of which I am a member, lord knows why....because I am hearing they suck, is making it hard for the director. Pfft).