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pinkiedash417150 karma

Actually pretty sure it's a downboat now.

pinkiedash41780 karma

How often do you go to the park for recreation?

pinkiedash41720 karma

Have you been on the coasters? And do you particularly dislike them or just not care for them?

pinkiedash41711 karma

I fully agree, but at the same time there are times in which the medication can really help with symptoms. I had a wisdom tooth surgery when I was 16, and the oxy was a godsend for the pain for a couple of days. Personally I didn't particularly like the feeling (not really a fan of feeling tired, even though it was the most bearable tiredness ever, if that makes sense... I can see how someone without an aversion to tiredness could get hooked on this stuff over time), and I ended up switching to ibuprofen as soon as was feasible and throwing the rest of the oxy away. And from what I am aware, my experience isn't particularly unusual. I'm glad you aren't blaming the doctor, and I wish that there were more resources available for those with a tendency towards substance abuse, and less of a stigma against seeking help.

pinkiedash41711 karma

Exactly. I'm a libertarian, so obviously I'm biased towards absolute Second Amendment rights, but my opinion on this is that adding mental health to gun background checks will just further stigmatize mental health issues and dissuade people from getting care they need and/or want, lest they have their freedoms reduced for no other reason than having sought help. For similar reasons, I am against 5150s and other types of medical suicide and crime prevention measures, unless the person gave their informed consent (i.e., checked themselves in) in the past 30 days. The current structure makes mental health a minefield where you have to watch what you say and do in front of a doctor if you don't want to possibly lose your Constitutional rights and/or career over it, and I think most of us can agree that dissuading people from seeking help is the exact opposite of what we want to do.