Highest Rated Comments

plant_king71 karma

Definitely this! I'm on Imraldi (Humira biosimilar) and it has improved my quality of life so much. I would really recommend people to consider it even if the potential side effects look worrying

plant_king18 karma

Just seeing methotrexate written makes me feel sick lol. So glad I'm not on it anymore!

plant_king13 karma

Absolutely it's really about how the side effects might affect you Vs how not taking it might affect you. Before I was treated for this I was in constant pain, so fatigued I couldn't concentrate and was almost failing my exams, and losing loads of weight. My mum's friend even said she thought I was dying I apparently looked that bad. So in my case it's definitely worth taking the potential side effects!

plant_king3 karma

I'm 21 and I also have AS! I understand why you would be be worried about the effects of biologics but as you say you are in so much pain and becoming hunched I would really say reconsider. Biologics have been so good for me. Is there any particular problem with biologics that you're worried about or is it the effects as a whole?

Edit: Just seen further down the post about cost issues, that's really bad and makes me grateful for what I am able to have in the NHS

plant_king2 karma

Etanercept for me and it's so nice starting to not be in that much pain! (I have ankylosing spondylitis)