Highest Rated Comments

pleiades15123 karma

I guess this is already done, but

Thank you for all your of your studies and efforts. I lost my cousin on that day, March 11th, in Miyagi prefecture. I’m a Japanese university student living in Tokyo. I seriously appreciate all people who helped us in any kind of ways.

How is the tsunami education in California (in the west coast)? I’ve studied abroad in the Vermont state (obviously east coast) and people didn’t even know the system of earthquake, which was totally understandable that they just never experience it.

Are there any constant educational efforts of preserving the memory of heavy tsunami around the west coast regions? “Oblivion” is the biggest enemy for me and us. In Japan the ancestors had, has been warning us in their unique way (tsunami stone, place names, etc.)

pleiades15122 karma

Redditを使用してる日本人です、いろいろ見させていただきます。どのような状況にあろうと、様々な人に行きにくい社会ですね、日本も世界も。毎日お疲れ様です。Dude, I’m believing in you, just do thing at your own pace really and keep on! Good luck.

Oh, just a quick question: how did you learn English at this level?

pleiades15122 karma

Thanks for the information, pretty interesting. Hope you have a good day!