Highest Rated Comments

pliskin4222 karma

Nothing else screams "I've been infected by consumer culture" like giving your one true love something that's been heavily advertised.

So consumer culture on extends to engagement rings when they are customized to reference pop culture? You have seen jewlery adverts right?

pliskin4221 karma

He is bitching because a number of the top voted comments are about joke theft allegations. You only responded to one, and it seemed to be buried farther down the page (so people aren't seeing it. To them it looks like you are avoiding the question).

Also most of your answers are very short and quippy. Which lots of folks on this subreddit just generally dislike. They prefer long winded answers that make it feel like they are getting some deep insight into you.

All that said I think you are doing perfectly fine. It is reasonable to avoid the same question over and over again, especially if it is from confrontational people and you already answered it. And short answers seem fine to me as long as they work.

pliskin4218 karma

I think they are asking if any one has ever fetishized you.

E.g. like when some folks try and date a a person of every race/ethnicity. Or who exclusively date or have sex with certain races other than their own.

Similarly folks have been know to fetishize many other disabilities, disorders, or other such purported abnomalities. E.g. porn of amputees or other disabled folks.

It is pretty concievable that some folks might get off on going after albinos. And given yall are relatively rare, I would personally guess such folks might shoot their shot.

pliskin422 karma

Why won't you guys promote Waldo Butters? He is easily the best examiner you have.

pliskin422 karma

She definitely pulled some shady moves, if nothing else by cutting out her former husband's kids out of his will etc.

That said these things are not mutually exclusive. She could be a greedy manipulator who potentially killed her husband, and takes advantage of people. Joe Exotic can also be a terrible person who abused animals, takes advantage of people, and who put out an inept hit.