Highest Rated Comments

poinmonster7 karma

Hi Mr. Lessig. Big fan. I actually just starter re-listening to Republic Lost on my commute this morning. My question: what tactics/arguments have been successful for you in pointing out corruption in one's own party. I think a lot of people have the response of, "yes, government is corrupt, that's why we need more of my team in charge, because they get it."

poinmonster2 karma

Hi Larry, thanks for doing this. I've been toying with the idea of a pledge of sorts for elected officials. It would state that 1) the official agrees that the structure of our elections produces skewed results. 2) campaign finance laws need to be changed 3) district-drawing ought to be taken out of the hands of the legislature and move to an apolitical method 4) if at least 50% of the official's house has signed the pledge they agree to pursue legislation to work on these problems.

Do you think something like that could be a good driver of change? I know everyone hates the Norquist pledge, but that puts an absolute where there shouldn't be one. This is much more basic and agreeable than never raising taxes.

poinmonster1 karma

Hi Lawrence, big fan. Is the most we can do about McCutcheon to make a lot of noise and hope this influences Kennedy, Roberts and other members of the SCOTUS? Maybe try to get the case into mainstream sources so that SCOTUS gets that people are watching? It seems like Roberts' concern for the Court's image is one of the only points of leverage here.

poinmonster1 karma

Have you had much interaction with Sarah Haskins? What's she like to work with?