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point51160 karma

Why isn't Mythbusters on Netflix anymore, and when it is, why are the seasons "collections" and not chronological?

point513 karma

What did the doctors say you should expect to be different without your uvula? Aside from it hanging back there, I've never given mine much thought. What does it actually do, and will you have to make any lifestyle changes without it?

point511 karma

I haven't had a chance to read through your whole thesis (if my question is answered therein, I apologize), however, I would like to know your opinion on the legislation that allows pharmaceutical companies to maintain monopolies on new drugs (including setting unregulated prices) and that legislation's relationship with the cost of health care in the US.

And how do you think it would affect the R&D of new drugs if that legislation would be removed?

point511 karma

With the increasing tensions between Russia and the west, was there any moment during your stay that was awkward for you and the Russian cosmonauts?

point511 karma

Sorry for the late question, but thank you in advance for answering it.

One of the first thoughts when I saw your video, was the implications of such a tool at CERN. My question is, would it be possible to place your camera in the reaction chamber of the LHC, and capture, in real time, the Higgs Boson? Or, if failing that, capture and slow down to a visible degree, the impact of two protons?