Highest Rated Comments

polaroidgeek149 karma

Hello Dr. Velmahos, Thanks for doing this AMA. In 1986 I suffered a double compound fracture of my right wrist at the growth plate. I managed to come away with my hand still attached after surgery (the surgeon told my father afterward that he seriously considered amputation but felt bad doing that to a 10 year old), but as you might expect my hand isn't tip top - for example typing is difficult because I really only use my index & middle fingers on my right hand to do so. I often drop things from my right hand as it's just not as strong as my left, etc. My question is, had I suffered the same injury today, based on where medical science is now, what are the odds my hand functions would be improved at all?

polaroidgeek41 karma

I appreciate the response, & I understand it's hard to be accurate knowing exactly how significant the injury was & what was damaged (tendons, ligaments, nerves, etc.)

polaroidgeek13 karma

So many errors....

polaroidgeek3 karma

Various sources. For example. The first error is the line you have as "dummy serve your own needs" is actually "don't mis-serve your own needs."

polaroidgeek3 karma

As a fellow drummer I can advise this: never sell a kit to GC & NEVER buy one from there. For any/all drum needs stay the eff away from GC at all costs. Stick to a drum shop. I've been to several GCs & not a single one is of use to drummers.