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policesuck21 karma

Thanks for the reply. Pretty funny that you didn't want to be a cop...neither did my dad. I on the other hand as a kid totally wanted to be a cop just like my dad. I never did anything really bad...even now...its not like I'm selling drugs or anything like that. Maybe little stuff like stealing traffic cones and such haha. Nothing serious. But then as I got older I began to really dislike cops in general. Ones I met with my dad seemed pretty cool, but there were so many idiots too. And like I said, I have issues trying to deal with people I don't like...I just want to beat them....and these days thats hard to get away with!

Funny story you might like: My family was going on a vacation and we're driving in the city (I think to go to the bank) and our car breaks down literally right in front of the police station my dad works at. Some of my dads co-workers are outside and see us, no one offers to help. This homeless looking guy comes up to my dad and is like "hey officer, do you need a hand?" and my dad says we do. The guy calls over 2 other guys, we get out of the car with my mom and the 3 guys and my dad push the car down this main busy ass street to a garage (like a business one).

My dad later told me he had actually arrested all 3 of those guys before on different occasions, and he had physically had a fight with one of them (resisting arrest). I totally didn't understand it then, but he said something along the lines of how he always treated people fairly, and at those times those guys knew they were in the wrong and despite even having fought one, he had still been fair in the way he treated them. "Just because someone is a criminal doesn't mean they can't be good people" or something like that he said.

Its something I'll never forget....especially when all the cops didn't help us out!

policesuck10 karma

My dad is a retired police officer and he always said "there is a fine line between police officers and criminals," I think he just meant in personality traits.

He also said my brother and I were meant for a life of crime...and its very true. Unfortunately not worth the risks...but damn do we thrive when we're doing something unlawful haha.

If you didn't live in Florida I'd be like..."dad is that you?" He also does martial arts. Has a club and stuff.

So for my question: Did you find that you were attracted to criminal activity your whole life? Was it fun/exciting? And how the fuck did you put up with the kind of assholes you would have had to work with?

My dad, myself, my brother...all of us have a certain attraction to the other side of the law. However, all 3 of us absolutely want to kick the shit out of every asshole we ever meet....so it just wouldn't work. Probably for the best haha.

policesuck7 karma

So why not call insurance and ask why YOU are paying the deductible? They should be paying. Insist you want an investigation into the accident. Possibly too late now...but you can try. You should not have had to pay the deductible...and I'm wondering why that happened. You should be pissed at your insurance company too.

policesuck4 karma

As if anyone here cares enough about you to care that your disgusted by anything.....

policesuck2 karma

Thank you, that means a lot to me.

I definitely do try to be kind to myself. I have a lot of ups and downs. I always have. Sometimes I get down on myself, other times I do my best to praise myself for the little I have managed to improve.

Thanks again...its really appreciated :)