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poonhounds74 karma

Because so many western journalists at the time were enamoured by the theory of communism that they deliberately obfuscated reports of the devestation and whole-heartedly bought into the potemkin villages that Stalin was showing them on their visits to cover Russian / European affairs.

Pulitzer prize winning journalist for the NY times, Walter Duranty, famously wrote that any report of a famine was "malignant propaganda" by westerners who wanted to discredit Soviet communism.

poonhounds14 karma

Do you think the brain creates consciousness, or does consciousness exist externally and interacts with the brain?

poonhounds8 karma

Someone told me that, technically, there is more water physically present within the territory of California than at any time in the history of planet earth, and therefore, it is not climate change causing this drought, rather, it is human migration into California has outstripped the supply of water that has been diverted into the state over the past 2 centuries via irrigation and urban development.

Is this the scientific consensus?

poonhounds4 karma

The most intense hurricane on record just hit a densely populated, poor country and yet nobody died. Fossil Fuels provided almost all the energy which powered the technology that protected these people from Hurricane Patricia.

It occurs to me this is evidence that fossil-fuels solve more problems than they cause.

If fossil fuels are the cheapest and best way to help the poor protect themselves from changes in the climate, why reduce access to that option in the form of carbon capping schemes?

poonhounds4 karma

Is there evidence that Edward Snowden compromised U.S. security by revealing details of the NSA's surveillance program to the Chinese and Russian governments?

For example, the wall street Journal reported that Russia was able to evade eavesdropping during the annexation of Crimea because of Snowden's revelations, and the NY Post reported that Chinese hackers were enabled to steal secrets from American corporations.