Highest Rated Comments

poopthrash48 karma

Any reason you use a lot of nature sounds in your production? They sound phenomenal and add a lot of interesting depth, particularly on your EP.

poopthrash36 karma

How do you feel the U.S. tax code should consider gains earned on Bitcoin? For those of us who want to play by the rules, this is rather difficult. Some people claim that we should treat it as a capital gain and pay the flat tax of 15%, while others think it should be treated as a foreign currency. What are your thoughts on this, given the recent Senate hearings?

Edit: Spelling

poopthrash26 karma

I've always wondered if, during immensely traumatic and shocking events like the one you lived through, if you retain any of the random thoughts swirling around your head. Like a unique feeling, smell, or song playing on repeat in your head.

Were there any thoughts circulating in your head unrelated to, but occurring during, the shooting that you still remember?