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poshpotdllr6 karma

iranian american citizen resident of california here, coming to you live from my intelligence operations center in phoenix arizona where i conduct my counter terrorism operations and general shitpost trolling. thank you for doing this ama and thank you for being an iranian american that is participating and taking responsibility. as a persian that is involved in politics i know how rare that is.

1- do you recognize that saudi arabia is the worlds biggest sponsor of terrorism through spreading takfiri salafi wahhabi rapist racist fascist terrorist ideology through the expenditure of 10s of billions of dollars in mosques and madrassas to brainwash and recruit for alqaeda and its splinter offshoots such as isis/isil/daesh, AQAP. HTS, alnusra, etc? if you dont i can educate you.

2- do you recognize that there is an undeniably treasonous effort in the united states to lie to the american people and drag them into a war with iran by lying about terrorism? if you dont i can educate you.

3- do you recognize that hillary clinton is a criminal traitor that needs to be tried for high treason and punished to the maximum extent of the law if found guilty (execution)? if you dont i can educate you.

4- do you recognize that the united states is guilty of war crimes in yemen as the saudis use illegal weapons including cluster bombs and biochemical warfare against civilians? if you dont i can educate you.

5- do you recognize assange, snowden, and manning as patriotic heros? if you dont i can educate you.

6- do you support california succeeding from the union if america continues down a path of deviating from american values and ideals (supporting terrorism and the rise of state sponsored/endorsed/ignored/tolerated fascism) with the calexit movement? if you dont i am really curious as to why.

7- do you support holding those who conspire to use propaganda, internet censorship/manipulation, and psychological warfare against the american people accountable as criminal terrorist traitors? if you dont i can educate you.

poshpotdllr5 karma

first off, thanks bro. i appreciate the americanism here. you make me proud.

His opinions might be unpopular,

they are not unpopular among the voters who matter.

and his offers to educate incredibly condescending,

just being persian. dont worry about it ;)

but I think he deserves more than a blithe dismissal and labeling.

god bless america.

poshpotdllr5 karma

Way better than the canned stuff your handlers will recommend :)

thanks to you, my patriotic friend.

poshpotdllr4 karma

It's funny seeing the effect Saudis have on you guys. You're a joke at this point.

a joke is mohammed bin salman arresting philanthropists in a shake down for cash and calling it a "purge" for the purpose of "reducing corruption". a joke is people signing up for the USMC to carry forward the honor of their forefathers and having to support a genocidal saudi agenda to murder civilians in yemen. america is the joke buddy. youre the joke. as a concerned iranian american citizen i am just here to fix things so people like you can continue to go make ignorant statements on reddit without being murdered by our "allies".

poshpotdllr4 karma

I certainly did not mean to come off as blithe or dismissive.

its ok im a vulgar and disgusting daemon. you can abuse me all you want, ill probably like it.

1) I certainly have a number of issues with Saudi Arabia in regards to how they conduct their foreign policy and the numerous human rights abuses by their government. That's why I support efforts to limit arms sales to them.

i dont think this is nearly enough. we need to sanction them and also sanction anyone who trades with them to any capacity. i wont let you win the election if you dont toughen your stance on this.

I am also fairly concerned that Jared Kushner appears to have outsourced our Middle East policy to Mohammad bin Salman. He represents a worldview which is incredibly dangerous to American interests in the region.

all elements of the american-saudi relationship are treasonous. kushner is an israel-first pseudo-american with an israeli agenda. he is not outsourcing to bin salman, its the other way around. bin salman is falling in line with israel and israel is approaching the middle east through a saudi lens as a result. kushner is just here to collaborate and act as a liaison between the united states and the saudi/israeli axis. also before you think im an anti-semite i am just an anti-likud-zionist. when i say "israel" here in this thread im referring to the bad guys (like netanyahu and kushner), not the whole of israel. persians and jews have a mostly beautiful history together.

2) I strongly oppose a war with Iran and believe that maintaining the Iran deal is critical to help ensure that we prevent war. People like Tom Cotton continue to push a policy of regime change in Iran and we must forcefully speak out against such a move. The same individuals who are advocating for war with Iran are those who led us into the Iraq War, which I consider to be the most disastrous foreign policy decision of my lifetime.

james mattis is a liar to the american people and his dishonest rhetoric about iran being the worlds greatest state sponsor of terrorism while supporting saudi genocide in yemen is not something you can be soft about. if you dont toughen your stance on this i will not let you win the election.

3) I do not know the relevance of continuing to talk about Hillary Clinton.

thats why i, as a world class expert on cyber warfare, need to educate you. i am willing to do it. furthermore, this point is what lost bernie the election. it will lose you the election too is you ignore it. you wont need my help to lose the election with this one if you let the hillary thing go or if you are naive enough to put your name anywhere near hers.

4) In terms of Yemen, I certainly do not support how Saudi Arabia has conducted their efforts and believe the United States needs to do more to put a strop to their actions.

if you are trying to whitewash war crimes youre running in the wrong party. if youre not trying to whitewash war crimes you must be ill informed. you cant win with such a weak stance. i wont let you.

5) I think that Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning have a complicated legacy. I've always agreed with the famous line from Louis Brandeis that "sunlight is the best disinfectant." There was information that came from Manning and Snowden that was important to have be public. I for instance strongly oppose many of the mass surveillance programs that Snowden brought to light and because they became public, we for the first time passed a law that placed some limitations on some of the Patriot Act authorities.

good, but too soft. you need to recognize them as heros and the united states owes them reparations for destroying their lives.

In regards to Assange, I was not a fan of him attempting to leak documents for the sole purpose of electing Donald Trump as president of the United States.

you are looking at it wrong. he is anti-deep-state. he is not a trump supporter. bernie was supposed to win. when it came down to a clown (trump) versus a treasonous criminal (hillary), trump was the clear winner. its 100% sanders' fault. he gave concessions to hillary over the email crisis and that was the end of him. if he had not done that she would have lost the nomination to bernie and bernie would have beat trump. a lot of trump voters were only voting against hillary and they would have also voted for a potato over hillary, but between trump and sanders they would have picked sanders. this is especially true in the electoral college.

6) I do not support California seceding from the United States.

i am curious why you dont given the conditions i stated. im not 100% on this one myself. its very complicated.

7) Not completely sure what you are asking here, but if it is about the Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election via those means, I think that we need to continue to investigate and ensure that we have a full accounting of what exactly happened. Once we do we can then act accordingly.

let me clarify the reason i was using the word "traitor" is because i was talking about domestic threats against the american people carried out through psychological warfare for the purpose terrorizing them into making stupid decisions with false information. false flag operations and media manipulation etc. it is undermining our democracy. attacks on net neutrality are tantamount to treason and terrorism (most americans dont understand this yet, but unfortunately it looks like we are about to learn that the hard way).

also, i suggest you look at what chomsky has said about russian meddling. we are the laughing stock of international politics over this. the russians havent even been accused, not even by the craziest anti russia people, of doing a fraction of the meddling that america has actually publicly taken credit for in russia. the russians are endlessly amused by this. it makes us look stupid. please change your stance on this. i cant tolerate you contributing to tension with russia. if you dont change your stance on this i will not let you win the election.

edit: elaborations

edit: /u/Kia_for_Congress: kasi ke bayad javab salaame doshmanesho bede bayad be mehmoone hamvatanesh ehteraam bezaare. shomaa maro daavat kardin be een mokaleme va man mehmoune shoma mibasham. az doshmanet kamtar niistam. mokhatabesho beshenas.