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potcoincrypto3 karma

Dr. Goodall,

What a privilege it is to see you doing an AMA, my question is:

How do you see the evolution of primates in terms of physical features?

potcoincrypto3 karma

Why do we need political parties? Why do you identify yourself as dem or republican? Why not identify as American from Oregon?

In my opinion no issues will be fixed at its core if everyone is becoming polarized over which letter is behind their name.

potcoincrypto2 karma

Do you have plans to incorporate blockchain technologies in your services?

potcoincrypto2 karma

Is there any feasible way to clean up the oceans next 50 years ? I envision rows of robots gathering plastic across the ocean and recycle it for post consumption, but alas one can only dream.

potcoincrypto1 karma

Hello Mr.Gates,

Hope you are doing well,

I am curious to know are there any techniques you practice to keep yourself leveled during stressful times? And how do you vet business decisions?

For example: I am working on my startup in Boston, working a full time job with an AI company and running IT contracts to build my business. Some days I feel so helpless that the money I am pouring into this startup will come to fruition and the business decisions I make, will they pay off in any form later on? I just don’t know, I vet all my decisions by thinking of all the angles I can think of, but always feel like I maybe missing something. Lucky to have a partner who is older than me.

Regardless thank you for the AMA, have a great day sir!