Highest Rated Comments

princessbitchtits707 karma

I asked my 2.5 year old daughter if she had a question for your son:

Does he like (des)picable me or wall-e better? OH! Has he seen he-man and she-ra? Can I have a sword mama? Swords break kitties, right?

princessbitchtits155 karma

Wanna fuck?

princessbitchtits121 karma

Ridding the world of virgins, one internet site at a time.

princessbitchtits120 karma

She's pretty gentle with ours. The sword breaks kitties was stemming from a conversation one day after an episode of he-man, where she tried to use a roll from papertowel as a sword and then attempted to ride our cat. She then hit him with her "sword" and I told her that we musn't hit our kitties with swords, because kitties get hurt and broken.

princessbitchtits55 karma

Not very many things on here make my jaw drop and stay there. Your title did that.

That is beyond fucked up.

Living well is the best revenge. Remember that.