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procrastablasta95 karma

This is my wife too. She's never really liked any kind of foreplay, and it degenerated after having a baby. Now even kissing is off the table and she's given up on trying to learn to orgasm. I never pressure her but I think she's pressured herself right out of her own sexuality. Which means MY sexuality is dragged along

procrastablasta49 karma

Similar. "Go have an affair". Which reveals how much she doesn't understand me. If I go have an affair, I'm not coming back.

My sitch is complicated by an oversensitive 10 year old son so "just get a divorce" is not so simple.

procrastablasta48 karma

Mmmm nope. She's against it. All those things would make her cringe or laugh. She's a sexual void

procrastablasta42 karma

Ok can I get a ruling on the "Los Angeles Left Turn"? When you don't have a left turn arrow, you have no choice but to wait for the oncoming traffic's red light to initiate. The car BEHIND that one scooting in seems to be tolerated, and if everyone's playing team ball, sometimes a THIRD car. What's your actual policy?

procrastablasta42 karma

Editor here. Porn has some of the longest continuous shots you can find in visual media. How much editing is there really? How much stop and start is there? Do the actors break for lunch or even til the next day and come back to the same scene? Are you editing out audio often (I'm thinking camera direction from off screen). Thanks-- always wondered.