Highest Rated Comments

progelec47 karma

Have you ever had to pick up anyone you knew?

progelec1 karma

No question here, just a congratulations on getting your shit together. I saw the episode of tosh and you talked about disliking exercise and ik it can be hard I myself have lost 45 pounds in almost a year now its not easy but it seems as if you have your mind set on it since you seem to be disappointed about not being able to exercise due to your surgery. Good Luck bud and don't forget to keep doing what makes you happy!

progelec1 karma

Your music is so inspiring, thanks so much for everything you have produced over the years! My question is what is your favorite piece of music you've produced?

progelec1 karma

Mr. Lessig so excited to have you here! After reading Free Culture, there are so many questions I could ask but for now, do you believe in such statements that original works do not exist anymore? That everything in today's society is a copy of someone else's idea from the past? And if so, can this have an effect on copyright laws in the future?