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proudofya31 karma

It is a rhyme

proudofya31 karma

Well one night walking at 3am I saw a car making a left turn at an intersection but the driver didn't straighten the wheel so the car hopped onto the centre island and back onto the road. I figured they must be drunk because the street they turned from is one of the only "nightlife" spots in our oversized suburb, it was a Monday though. Anyways, upon calling the cops and giving a description of the vehicle and its direction (which took way longer than it should've, they should really hire phone operators that know NESW directions and the city in general, but I digress), I see a cruiser blast by me in the direction Of the suspected impaired driver. In our city the cops have little more to do than this and it was also a Monday night. As I kept on my walk I saw a handful more cruisers patrolling the street that driver turned from, and I felt like maybe they were suspicious of me as well!

proudofya25 karma

I don't think it works that way, I've never done well in school and was forced to learn the same "variety" of things that every other student learned...but I taught myself motorcycle and car repair, professional yoyo routines, play guitar and bass guitar and drums, analogue photography (digital too but I don't like it), bookbinding, screenprinting, creative writing, among others. I don't care if they're impractical, but given the opportunity to attend an alternative school such as this one, who knows where I could be now? Now that I'm in the workforce it dawned on me that 99% of people go home to their shitty kids/husband/wife and spend their free time watching tv...talk about one dimensional!!

proudofya25 karma

That really sucks. I can't imagine the thought of riding a motorcycle becoming anything other than sheer excitement for winter to pass. Hope your fear passes and you're able to get back in the saddle.

proudofya22 karma

Woah..I'm from ontario and have had the exact same issues growing up. 26. Even after losing 100 pounds I still have them but I've learned not to care way back in my highschool years. Luckily I have an amazing girlfriend that actually likes my body despite being slightly out of shape. I find keeping good posture helps.