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przprz49 karma

A simple suppertime s' bout a dime of love!

przprz9 karma

Benzo addiction, how fucked am i?

przprz2 karma

I hope you read this man. I was clean 3 months but I recently relapsed again.. I'm on 4mgs of Xanax right now and I'm starting to feel the withdrawals. Should I wean off? I don't believe In Rehab they have never worked for me, but I've done it myself. I have a great job I love, im a daily jogger when I'm not a drug addict, and im a prettyvspciable dude. But this drug destroys all that, yet I can't seem To stay away from the synthetic love and pleasure I get from it.

Pls send help. Lol ok but honestly what are some simple steps i can take so next time I can keep going longer being sober.

przprz2 karma

I do love my life, I do have other things to keep me busy, but you are right maybe I haven't gotten to the core problem of why I keep doing this. Maybe I am sad or depressed and i keep running to this to get away. Thanks alot, wish me luck and I won't stop cold turkey. I'll wean off again.

przprz1 karma

When i was 10 years old I remember waitin for the bus at the bus stop with my friends. All of a sudden 2 white vans pulled up onto my house and 4 bald guys got out and rushed my house. They were their for my dad. Now my dad doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, he's an electrician and loves his career here. I don't understand what his crime was. How do you feel about breaking families apart and being proud about it? Those guys seemed pretty happy to take my father away, they were laughing. Great job keeping us safe.