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pullofgravity2049 karma

I was selling drugs at the time, and he pulled a gun and tried to rob me in the process of a deal and I shot him as a result. When the cops came they found him two blocks away with no gun, bleeding. They arrested me one day later and charged me with aggravated assault. I was 17, he was 37.

pullofgravity873 karma

my own, unregistered, illegally purchased, no carry permit

pullofgravity687 karma

wow good question. To me it was never a question of whether I was guilty or innocent, I admitted that I shot the guy. But at the time I thought I should have been charged with a lesser crime because of the circumstances.

So the me today would probably convict the me back then of a lesser charge. So maybe simple assault instead of aggravated assault, if that makes sense.

pullofgravity671 karma

Both of those groups are in our target audience. Primarily we want the film to be seen by 1. inmates about to come home/ recently released inmates. 2. The support systems/families of released inmates, and 3. Service providers (cops, lawyers, prosecutors, parole officers etc) The goal is the film to be a resource for these folks. But yes, we are doing screenings in neighborhoods geared towards youth, and in university settings.

pullofgravity564 karma

I had a relatively "normal" childhood until my dad died when I was 10. He was the breadwinner in the house. I started selling drugs to feed my family. It was the early 90's and crack was everywhere. my older brothers got me into the game, and thats how we fed our family for many years.