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punksnotred164 karma

Took a ride in the metro? Rumors say that because of the energy crisis in the country, it either only works during rush hour or during tours.

If you did take the metro, got anything to say on that? A feeling you had that it wasn't 'genuine' or something...

Apparently its a nice piece of art. The architecture, that is.

EDIT : In other news, posting in this thread got me automatically banned from the pyongyang subreddit, lol.

punksnotred42 karma

Interesting stuff bud. Don't think i'd have the balls to go there without fearing for my safety haha.

So you say you were in Pyongyang... did you check out the underground subway?

There are some reports that you can only visit 2 stations out of the whole system and if have a good eye and are careful about noticing things, you can always see the same people boarding the trains and leaving them (as if they are actors that are just there to show that there is a lot of activity and everything is going well). Care to comment on that?

Good IAmA by the way.

punksnotred42 karma

I thought it would be Moscow, which is pretty deep itself, but Google seems to confirm that indeed the Pyongyang metro is the deepest in the world.

EDIT : If you think '74 is old... wait until you see the stock we are rolling with in the city of Montreal.. '66 trains. Although it is probably maintained a whole lot better. :)


punksnotred31 karma

As far as I know, socialist and communist countries take extreme pride in their underground subway systems. I seen some pictures of the stations (at least the ones available to the public) and they are simply gorgeous.

punksnotred9 karma

I got the same message right after I posted my reply... either a bot or some guy spamming his F5 key on this thread.