Highest Rated Comments

pupleprincess124 karma

Just wanted to say that I love what you're doing, I have never been a victim of sexual assault but my heart breaks for everyone who has. I just wanted to say that I really admired the way those men and women who were featured stood up and spoke about a subject that is often ignored, especially male sexual assault which is not talked about often enough. I have shared both buzzfeed articles with my friends and they too think it is an amazing project. Keep it up!

pupleprincess124 karma

Really? So should we just pretend that male victims don't exist? That they shouldn't have protections from being taken advantage of while drunk?

If you read my other comments you will see that I do say that men and women do not deserve to be assaulted while drunk, I didn't mean to imply that men do not suffer from sexual assault

pupleprincess123 karma

But to get blackout drunk in public around people you don't necessarily know makes it a million times easier for anything bad to happen as you are unable to realistically defend yourself or make legitimate decisions

By that logic we should just shut down all the bars

If you want to do it in the privacy of your own home, where you are arguably safe and are either by yourself or with people you trust, then do so

First of all getting drunk by yourself is pointless and second couldn't it be argued that you can be taken advantage of by the people you trust, it is not uncommon for males or females to take advantage of their drunk friends

pupleprincess122 karma

So are you advocating that women stop drinking?

pupleprincess121 karma

On one hand you should assume all men are rapists

I think this is more what women are taught, we are told to view men we don't know as potentially dangerous until we decide otherwise. As a female if I'm walking down a street alone and I see a male or a group of people I don't know I'm going to do my best to avoid them, now is that paranoia or just smart? Nothing they do is threatening, their just walking but as a female do I really want to take the chance that something could happen? No, because we have been taught to avoid people that are potentially dangerous (males) even if they give no indication of being dangerous because better safe than sorry.

the second you bring in prevention, you're a rape apologist because you should be able to get drunk if you want to?

In a perfect world men and women can get drunk and not be assaulted but we don't live in a perfect world, there are people out there who will take advantage if they have the opportunity,I not advocating people stop drinking because that won't stop rapes but I do advocate people being aware of their surroundings, not everybody has the best intentions and thinking otherwise is native