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purplemilkywayy7 karma

How effective is your school at sending their students to top colleges?

purplemilkywayy3 karma

I didn't mean to push my own interpretation onto you :) Context is very important. If I were taking care of the kids, I wouldn't want someone to come and say things like, "Ohh, look at these poor poor kids" either. Thank you so much for taking care of them. ~1500 RMB is not a lot of money at all, so I know you're doing this out of kindness.

Also, thanks for mentioning in another reply that "the Chinese will kill female babies" is merely a myth that still floats around in the West. Children are generally treated the same, especially in the cities. Every child is his or her parents' world.

purplemilkywayy3 karma

My family is Chinese. I've asked my parents this. I think it's either impossible or extremely hard. Think about it... the couple can just give their 2nd child up for adoption, and adopt him/her back to bypass the one-child policy.

purplemilkywayy2 karma

I feel like you guys are pretty unfair towards China. BBC doesn't consider what happens in Xinjiang terrorism, but if the same incidents happen elsewhere, it would be considered terrorism for sure. The blatant antagonism towards China is a big turnoff.

purplemilkywayy1 karma

Elderly people and animals always break my heart :(