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quantasmm452 karma

did the buyer renig renege? or were you duped by a cohort?

quantasmm133 karma

You may or may not find this interesting, but after the school shooting in CT, the middle school my kids went to in MN instituted some fairly non-standard short sighted security practices to make themselves feel like they were doing something and to make some hyperventilating moms feel better. One of the new rules was that only kids and staff could be in the building. One day I had to pick up my child for a dentist appointment, and he kept forgetting stuff (jacket, backpack), so I had to send him back in three times while I stood in the vestibule between two doors. Nevermind that I could actually enter if I didn't feel like following the rules (the door was locked, but would be unlocked every 5 minutes as kids and staff needed to traverse the door to get to the principals office and copier room, which was off of to the side of the vestibule.) after three months of begging the school finally reverted to a more sensible policy.

I don't mind being inconvenienced, but I'd like it to be worth something. school shooters aren't going to obey the rules, and giant single panes of safety glass arent going to stop someone with a gun.

quantasmm40 karma

I brought this exact fact up a number of times. Why are we trying to avoid a school shooting by copying the system the school had where it failed?

the response was "we can protect the children better by reducing traffic in the hallway. that way that 'one guy' stands out more."

Well, its true you'll notice him better, if you weren't already noticing him shooting kids.

really was just a comical example of someone who wanted to do something and wasn't able to let go of the idea that a policy change wasn't the answer.

quantasmm24 karma

forgiveness doesn't have to come with reconnecting, especially if there is some kind of danger.

forgive them for yourself. Pick a person you arent emotionally invested with, like Danny Devito. Would you rather spend the next 5 years thinking about Danny Devito six times a day, hating him, hating how he ruined your life, generating bitterness? Or to release him, and to be apathetic towards him and how he turns out. And a year down the line your friend mentions Danny Devito and you think to yourself, well goddamn, Danny Devito, I haven't thought about him in months. Its an obvious call, its just hard to apply it when it isn't hypothetical.

david francisco went a step further and made a friend, but I don't see that as enormously difficult in this case. I treated a red stop light like a stop sign by accident about two years ago. Some guy about 50 yards away slowed down and held down his horn and I apologized with a wave. There but for the grace of God go i, half of us drivers have done similar things and were just lucky enough not to do it with a biker in our blind spot.

quantasmm15 karma

lol, ty