Highest Rated Comments

racing2614 karma

Why did Lora Kolodny of CNBC have her own article published referencing yours with hyperlinks before your article was even published? It seems that she (and presumably others) must've been tipped off to the imminent publication of your article. She publishes articles with a definite negative tilt toward Tesla regularly.

racing267 karma

Lora had a link in her article which when Lora's article published (in the evening on April 15) was not accessible on Reveal's website. Some time the next day (April 16) when Reveal published that article, that link began working, and was not updated after publication. Am I to believe that Lora is clairvoyant and somehow guessed the URL that the fine upstanding folks at Reveal would publish their article on?

racing266 karma

What incited you to begin this investigation at all? Someone must have tipped you off that a potential problem existed. Who was that?

racing266 karma

"Reveal's reporters have spent several months searching for old, misrepresentative and outright inaccurate information about safety at Tesla’s Fremont factory. Since last fall, employees have complained to us that they’ve felt harassed by these reporters after being tracked down on social media, getting unexpected phone calls without knowing how their cell numbers were obtained, and even being visited in Tesla’s parking lot and at their homes unannounced."

You claim that the injured employees in question were injured at work and are excluded from the numbers, Tesla says their injuries are correctly reported, which means either a) The medical professionals involved made the call that they were NOT, in fact, injured at work, b) That the injuries you claim are not reported correctly, in fact ARE reported, and you're operating on old information, or c) one or both of Reveal and/or Tesla is lying. Can you answer which one of those possibilities is the correct one?

racing265 karma

The tweet you just linked was about their other Tesla smash piece, not the one about the injured workers.