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radiant_eclipse46 karma

First, let me say I'm so sorry for your loss. If you haven't had the opportunity, take a couple hours to watch the film How to Die in Oregon. As someone that does a lot of advocacy work for physician-assisted suicide, I can say that it does an excellent job in explaining and relating the function and purpose of this cause. It's a difficult film to watch, especially if you've lost someone yourself as most of us have, but it sheds a lot of light onto the subject. I'm not sure what state you live in but, despite there only being right to die acts passed in a few states, there have been bills drafted in attempts to bring the law into other states. There is definitely the hope, for those of us that advocate for this cause, that this will one day exist nation-wide and anyone diagnosed with a terminal illness will be able to end their suffering in dignity.

Anyone else who may be interested can find more information here-


radiant_eclipse5 karma

As someone that works in the mental health field myself, I'm curious, do you feel that there is enough support for individuals employed by the NHL, both players and otherwise? It seems like a highly stressful environment so I'd imagine there is a lot that fans don't hear about when it comes to this topic.

radiant_eclipse1 karma

It seems almost as if it's an act of willful ignorance on the part of the state officials in regard to how they interpret and react to what is taking place. Out of curiosity, do you know what the motivation was behind stripping the gun laws in NC? It seems as though most states are looking to pass more rigid background checks, not get rid of them altogether.

radiant_eclipse1 karma

Yes, I can understand the confusion and likely frustration. It also seems like there are other basic human rights that are being trampled upon that are more important than the right to bare arms here. I'm not against gun ownership but they are weapons and should be treated as such. The lackadaisical attitude towards screening potential owners is alarming and raises the risk factor immensely. I think what you often find in times like these is that often the loudest voices are least informed and the ones most in need of being heard are silenced. I hope the people who are demonstrating have success in getting their message heard.

radiant_eclipse1 karma

Oops, sorry for the confusion OP. That was for the original commenter since it's their school. I didn't want to out any of their information. Even if they want to list the school, I wouldn't share anything more than the charity foundation I mentioned as I would also want to respect the privacy of the other individuals that were on that trip.