Highest Rated Comments

radio-fish990 karma

Agador Sparticus, how much of that character was your creation?

radio-fish162 karma

Yeah. Don't be like George R.R. Martin.

radio-fish8 karma

Don't have a question, just wanna say thank you for your work.

radio-fish3 karma

Hi Mr. Stanley, my great uncle is a retired prominent Medical Marijuana Doctor in Oregon. I read the "Charlotte's Web" story. Brilliant. Keep up the good work.

radio-fish3 karma

Sir, I have an odd question, but did you ever work with a man whose last name was Moody? I have been told that he also worked on the manual. He was my Great-Grandfather (I think. I'm a little tired and was told this a long time ago, he was either my great-grandfather or great-grand uncle) He Graduated from Berkley. I was told that while he was working on it he had to have 2 armed Marines with him at all times.