Highest Rated Comments

ragingranny17 karma

When a state like New York can pass a law making it a felony to "annoy" a police officer as they did just this week, how can anyone know what may trigger suspicion. And just communicating with the wrong person or donating to the wrong charity can put you over the line. Have you seen the list of flag words, many that can be used by anyone in a normal day?

And all that aside, do they have so little respect for the Constitution and the basic rights we were supposedly guaranteed to be willing to throw out the baby with the bathwater, not only for themselves but for the nation as a whole?

ragingranny8 karma

No matter what laws they pass or how they play word games to justify it, this is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and a violation of the UN Doctrine of Human Rights. We live in an increasingly paperless society. My phone calls, correspondence and documents on my computer and the internet ARE the 21st century equivalent of "papers".