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randomthrowaway9550217 karma

Annika: Might be a weird question but I've noticed you've done a noticeable amount of scenes with black guys. Do these types of scenes happen out of a market demand or a definite preference on the part of the female performer? I also notice that porn seems to push this stereotype that (within the realm of Sex) "black is better." Whether warranted or not, porn already has a notorious reputation of making men insecure about their penis sizes but this genre of porn seemingly attempts to make non-black men insecure in their "whiteness" (or whatever other race they are). Do you ever worry about the impact of the types of porn you make and how it's being perceived by consumers? Any comments in general?

Open to Mick too, of course, if he has anything to say on the subject.

randomthrowaway955022 karma

I never said that this question mattered a lot. Overall, stop changing subjects, strawmanning, and in general going off on tangents on a question that wasn't even intended for you.

However, I will say the following. Interracial porn is pushing negative messaging, implying that black dudes are somehow better at sex, have larger dicks, are worth cheating with, so on and so forth. The amount of these scenes has skyrocketed to a proportion that does not correlate with the percentage of blacks as a minority in the USA, nor it is correlating with the audience of who consumes porn. Porn is not only consumed by stable, secure and well adjusted individuals. Without a doubt, 12-20 year olds look at porn girls and boys, people who are still forming as human beings. Mentally unbalanced people also look at porn. People who go to extremes and draw uneducated conclusions. All sorts of people look at porn. Maybe for you, as a white man, asian, hispanic or otherwise, you can look at messaging that pushes sexual insecurity toward all men other than black men and have it not affect you, but young white/asian/hispanic teenagers are looking at this and their views are being shaped by it. This goes the same for adults too. You cannot pretend this media exists in a vacuum and does not affect culture. It is a public mental health issue and it's pretty obviously not healthy. As I said, porn is already notorious for pushing massive amounts of insecurity and this is just another way it's doing it, but it's doing this toward the vast majority of the country at this point, since black men are a complete minority. And I'm going to cut you off before you ask me "how" interracial porn pushes these insecurities because if you claim it doesn't, you must live on an Island. The entire genre centers around such noble topics as: white women cheating on their husbands/boyfriends because "his dick is bigger," young girls pissing off their fathers or shaming their families. The scenes have dialogue where the women make fun of men of other races and their "little dicks" or just rant about how black is better. Overall, it's pretty reprehensible. I'm sure it could have been "done right" but overall it's still anchored to a taboo that seems to center around negativity and cultural sickness.

randomthrowaway955022 karma

I mean it's kind of the elephant in the room. During the AMA I just typed Annika Albrite into a tube site and nearly every other scene was with black men, yet she's married to a white guy. I don't get it. If she doesn't have a preference for black men, why is such a large majority of her porn with black men? Also, if she doesn't have a preference for black men, why doesn't she stand up for herself and do scenes with the type of men she prefers? Finally, I really want to know if porn performers are self aware enough to understand that while they push pleasure and entertainment, they are also pushing insecurity and shame. I mean here we have a (German?) Blonde girl who is doing almost all of her scenes with black guys. Now, I'm not a German. But I think if I was a German, I'd be a little upset. I'd wonder, what's so wrong with Germans? And I'd probably get a little insecure. Under the layer of entertainment and pleasure, it seems like there's a lot of harmful and confusing stuff going on. It probably reflects on everyone who watches this stuff.

randomthrowaway955022 karma

You are putting words in my mouth. You have done it for a few submissions now, since the first one. Read exactly what I wrote and stop telling my motives back to me. I'm not white, by the way. I won't tell you what race I am because I don't believe in the PC idea that my race is what gives me credibility to be allowed to have a debate or an opinion on a subject. I am not defending the honor of Annika or jealous of pornstars who do interracial scenes. I am criticizing their desire to make money while I believe they are pushing insecurity to the masses. I don't think it's healthy for white and asian teenagers and children to grow up thinking they're inferior sexually to blacks. I think that's extremely inappropriate messaging for a healthy culture. Now, if I had to put words in your mouth and rudely assume your motives and strawman the way you did to me, here's what I think. I think you're making excuses as a result of the history of racism in the USA and forgiving what this genre of porn is implying about all men other than blacks. This is media, entertainment that is programming the masses that non-black men are less sexually attractive, desirable, that their dicks are smaller and you seem to be okay with that. Slavery or racism does not excuse that. Two wrongs don't make a right. I think that a white man with a white significant other would be bothered if she grew up watching "white wife cheats on white husband with black man" porn in her teenage years, would rightfully be suspicious and neurotic about a relationship with such a person and wonder what that porn did to her psyche. Don't say you know for a fact that's false because you don't. That's a question for psychologists / neuroscientists and you can't write off that you somehow know beyond a doubt that it does no damage. Yet because you're so politically correct you can't connect the dots and understand why it's bad the amount of this content that's being created and pushed on the masses. Overall, no one should tolerate and apologize for their cultural likeness being shamed, made to feel inadequate and disrespected in mass media. I also think people should not be complicit in the creation of that media to the detriment of their own culture, which is why I posed my question to Annika. Finally I think your argument that interracial porn is making black men look bad is laughable. It's raising their status as sexual masters who are somehow better at pleasing women because they have big dicks, are more traditionally masculine("real men") and uninhibited unlike lame / boring feminized white men. Also you claim these are harmful to black men but they are not. You're just making a false equivalency. Any man would love to be stereotyped as a coveted, sexual god who is capable of pleasing women in ways that other men cannot. Go ask Asian men how they would feel if society actually had a stereotype that they had a huge dicks, were real men and that all women wanted to cheat with them. No one would complain. Men would be more than happy to be thought of this way.

randomthrowaway955021 karma

I think your rude rant and insults toward me say a lot about how categorically you view the world. My question for her was never a big deal for me. It's just a Pornstar AMA and I took the opportunity to ask the only question I had. Go relax, have some tea and forget this conversation ever happened.