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rcc737133 karma

Have you been to /r/AskOldPeople ? If not, when do you plan on becoming a young kid in our eyes?

rcc737119 karma

Have you had any involvement with the Utah Data center? Any idea what goes on there? There's a ton of conjecture surrounding that place. I know it's primarily a NSA thing but rumors abound among the tin foil hat community that the CIA and FBI are also heavily involved with the inner workings of that place. Any truth to these rumors?

rcc73740 karma

So I'm a gen-x'er that has 4 millennial nephews. All 4 have been given what I consider pretty good financial advice from me, my parents, my sisters and their husbands.

Nephew 1 keeps saying shit like "you don't know what you're talking about. Leave me alone."

Nephew 2 would rather party and have fun rather than invest.

Nephew 3 is actually following the advice pretty well.

Nephew 4 actually started his retirement/investment planning while in highschool. He was born at the tail end of millennials or beginning of gen z.

Nephew 1 and 2 are dealing with train wrecks in their financial lives. Despite people around them trying to educate them about where they are now and how to get to where they want to be both are one terrible decision after another.

Nephew 3 and 4 will be able to retire early if they choose; yes they are doing that well.

The old, tired saying "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink." applies here pretty dam well.

rcc73738 karma

Have you met Mike Rowe? He lives in SF and would probably like to get involved with you guys.

rcc73736 karma

What you posted reminds me of something McCain said way back in 2008 regarding Obama:

In a widely-circulated video from the 2008 presidential campaign, Sen. John McCain calls for respect for his then-opponent and eventual victor, President Barack Obama.

A woman came up to McCain at a rally and said, “I can’t trust Obama. I have read about him, and he’s not, he’s not — he’s an Arab.” Her comment prompted McCain to immediately shake his head and take the microphone from her.

No ma’am,” McCain said. “He’s a decent family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what this campaign is all about.

McCain continued to defend Obama during the event even as his supporters voiced their surprise in the background.