Highest Rated Comments

rdrand38 karma

Common sense is not so common.

rdrand34 karma

They are safe from common malware just because LINUX is not mainstream in desktop segment. It is perfectly possible, and not too difficult to make malware for LINUX platform.

Second thing, average Windows user is dumber than average LINUX user. Average Windows user will download and run freemoviedownloader.exe, but av average LINUX user won't, (assuming it is valid ELF binary and can be run).

Before someone gets offended on my second point, please note that this is my general observation. Everyone is different, and exceptions are everywhere.

rdrand34 karma

Comodo firewall works pretty good. For antivirus, Avira, Avast, BitDefender etc are there. Check their rankings online. Generally their home edition works good. Even free versions are good for decent enough security.

rdrand30 karma

My standard reply: It is perfectly possible to not get infected while not using any AV, but in case you get infected from some stuff, that could have been detected and prevented by a half decent AV, don't come to me.

rdrand29 karma

  1. Running mutation engine entirely on graphics card (independent of CPU), without CUDA or AMD APP support.

  2. Firmware level malware (http://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/security-data-protection/backdoors-hardware-attacks-rakshasa-malware/)

  3. Hypervisors in rootkits (http://www.zdnet.com/article/blue-pill-the-first-effective-hypervisor-rootkit/)